Intoxicated Driving Collisions
An individual who chooses to drink and get behind the wheel puts everyone on the road in serious danger. Driving under the influence is both a choice and a crime, and as such carries specific and unique elements like punitive damages.
Punitive damages are a special type of compensation that an individual involved in a collision with a drunk driver can claim. As the name implies, punitive damages allow you to use the court system to exact punishment on a drunk driver for the pain, loss, and economic damage their actions caused. Punitive damages aren’t exclusive to drunk driving cases, but the fact that drunk driving is an intentional choice that a reasonable person knows is likely to cause injury makes the burden of proof much lighter. This makes drunk driving collisions one of the most common cases in which survivors sue for punitive damages.
If you’ve been injured, or a loved one has been injured or killed in an alcohol-related crash, contact our office. We will fight to get you the justice that your family deserves. Call today for a free consultation.